Každý má z niečoho panický strach. Nie každý sa k tomu však verejne prizná.

Fóbií je naozaj mnoho a verte či nie, nejakou trpí každý z nás. Či už sú to klauni, tma, pavúky, výšky, krv či čokoľvek iné, každý má niečo, čo ho dokáže položiť na lopatky. Umelec Shawn Cross sa rozhodol, že fóbie preňho nebudú tabu témou, ako pre mnohých ľudí – práve naopak, rozhodol sa im venovať mimoriadnu pozornosť. 

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Na svojom instagramovom profile totiž začal zverejňovať desivé ilustrácie fóbií, ktoré sa u ľudí vyskytujú najčastejšie. A ak ste doteraz žiadnou z nich netrpeli, je veľmi pravdepodobné, že po ich zhliadnutí to bude inak…

Arachnofóbia – fóbia z pavúkov

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Arachnophobia – day 1 of Inktober / FearTober! People with arachnophobia tend to feel uneasy in any area they believe could harbor spiders or that has visible signs of their presence, such as webs. If arachnophobics see a spider, they may not enter the general vicinity until they have overcome the panic attack that is often associated with their phobia. Some people scream, cry, have emotional outbursts, experience trouble breathing, sweat, have heart palpitations, or even faint when they come in contact with an area near spiders or their webs. In some extreme cases, even a picture or a realistic drawing of a spider can trigger intense fear. #inktober #feartober #inktoberphobias #shawncossart #jakeparker #creepyart #whatsyourfear #inkart

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Aichmofóbia – fóbia z ihiel a ostrých predmetov

Tripofóbia – fóbia z malých dier a otvorov

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Trypophobia – day 3 of #inktober / #feartober . All month I'm creating art depicting a new phobia. Trypophobia is a proposed phobia (intense, irrational fear, or anxiety) of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps Trypophobia is not a diagnosis in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) and it is rarely used in scientific literature, according to Jennifer Abbasi of Popular Science.[1][4] Abbasi said, "professionals who study and treat phobias tend not to use all the Latin and Greek names that get tossed around on message boards and in the press."[4] However, on blogs and in internet forums, thousands of people claim to have trypophobia.[1][4][5] Psychiatrist Carol Mathews said, "There might really be people out there with phobias to holes, because people can really have a phobia to anything, but just reading what's on the Internet, that doesn't seem to be what people actually have." According to Mathews, most people writing online are likely disgusted by these types of images without meeting criteria for a real phobia.[5] #inktober #feartober #inktoberphobias #shawncossart #jakeparker #creepyart #whatsyourfear #inkart #snapitzhorror #popeofhell_art #creepyart #artdaily

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Klaustrofóbia – fóbia z uzavretých priestorov

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Claustrophobia – day 4 of #inktober / #feartober . All month I'm creating art depicting a new phobia. Claustrophobia is the fear of being enclosed in a small space or room and unable to escape.[1] It can be triggered by many situations or stimuli, including elevators crowded to capacity, windowless rooms, small cars and even tight-necked clothing.[2] It is typically classified as an anxiety disorder, which often results in panic attacks. The onset of claustrophobia has been attributed to many factors, including a reduction in the size of the amygdala, classical conditioning, or a genetic predisposition to fear small spaces. #inktober #feartober #inktoberphobias #shawncossart #jakeparker #creepyart #whatsyourfear #inkart #popeofhell_art #crushed #claustrophobia

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Automatonofóbia – fóbia z voskových figurín, humanoidných figurín, alebo iných figúr

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Automatonophobia – day 5 of #inktober / #feartober . All month I'm creating art depicting a new phobia. Automophobia is the fear of things that false represent a sentient being, including ventriloquist dummies, animatronic creatures, mannequins, and wax statues. Sufferers may think that inanimate or robotic things, that seem to move on their own are potentially dangerous. Even some automophobic sufferers fear corpses, associated with necrophobia. The automophobic person may experience heart palpitations, difficulty in breathing, rapid breathing, choking sensations, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shaking, shuddering, sweating, dizziness, insomnia, and/or increased sensitivity to sounds and lights. Psychotherapy and exposure therapy are effective treatment methods of automophobia, which involves calming talking about the stimuli and getting comfortable with them. #inktober #feartober #inktoberphobias #shawncossart #jakeparker #creepyart #whatsyourfear #inkart #popeofhell_art #creepypasta #snapitzhorror #phobia

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Nyktofóbia – fóbia z noci či tmy

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Nyctophobia – day 6 of #inktober / #feartober . All month I'm creating art depicting a new phobia. Nights and darkness have always been associated with grim thoughts and beliefs. While some people thoroughly enjoy the night lives these days, many others dread the ghastly night darkness. This kind of fear of darkness or night is known as nyctophobia. Nyctophobia (also known as scotophobia, lygophobia or achluophobia) has been derived from Greek word “Nuktos” meaning night or darkness. The intense and irrelevant fear of darkness leads many people to avoid any night routine or dark places completely. This can be a severe interruption in the everyday life of a person. A person having nyctophobia is not scared of finding any unusual or paranormal element in the darkness, but scared of the darkness for no specific reason at all. The fear can be triggered just by a thought or anticipation of being in dark. #inktober #feartober #inktoberphobias #shawncossart #jakeparker #creepyart #whatsyourfear #inkart #popeofhell_art #horrornights #nyctophilia #nyctophobia

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Ofidiofóbia – fóbia z hadov

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Ophidiophobia – day 8 of #inktober / #feartober . All month I'm creating art depicting a new phobia. Ophidiophobia or ophiophobia is a particular type of specific phobia, the abnormal fear of snakes. It is sometimes called by a more general term, herpetophobia, fear of reptiles and/or amphibians. The word comes from the Greek words "ophis" (ὄφις) which refers to snake, and "phobia" (φοβία) meaning fear. Care must also be taken to differentiate people who do not like snakes or fear them for their venom or the inherent danger involved. An ophidiophobe not only fears them when in live contact but also dreads to think about them or even see them in video or still pictures. About a third of adult humans are ophidiophobic, making this the most common reported phobia.Scientists have theorised that mammals may have an innate reaction to snakes, which was vital for their survival as it allowed such dangerous threats to be identified immediately.

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Pyrofóbia – fóbia z ohňa

Talasofóbia – fóbia z hlbín mora

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Thalassophobia – day 13 of #inktober / #feartober . All month I'm creating art depicting a new phobia. What's your fear? Thalassophobia (Greek: θάλασσα, thalassa, "sea" and φόβος, phobos, "fear") is an intense and persistent fear of the sea or of sea travel.Thalassophobia is a clinical phobia generally classified under specific phobias, fear of a single specific panic trigger. Symptoms for thalassophobia are the same as for most specific phobias. Although it is a clinical phobia, it often accompanies other anxiety disorders. In some cases anxiolytic medications may be prescribed. Thalassophobia can include fear of being in large bodies of water, fear of the vast emptiness of the sea, and fear of distance from land. It can also include fear of the unknown, of what lurks beneath. #inktober #feartober #inktoberphobias #shawncossart #jakeparker #creepyart #whatsyourfear #inkart #inktober2017

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Nekrofóbia – fóbia zo smrti alebo z mŕtvol

Hylofóbia – fóbia z lesa

Koulrofóbia – fóbia z klaunov

Emetofóbia – fóbia zo zvracania

Chronofóbia – fóbia z času alebo z jeho nedostatku

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Chronophobia – day 20 of #inktober / #feartober . 🕕Amnclothing.com🕕 book release Nov. 1! ——– Chronophobia is a specific psychological phobia which manifests itself as a persistent, abnormal and unwarranted fear of time or of the passing of time. A related but much rarer phobia is chronomentrophobia, the irrational fear of clocks and watches. Like many other phobias, the main symptoms include panic, unease, depression, anxiety, and often a feeling of claustrophobia (of being closed in, with no escape). In some more serious cases, individuals may experience shaking, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, irregular heartbeats, even sickening states of mind, inability to articulate words, tunnel vision and overwhelmingly haunting thoughts. Sufferers may be aware of a vague feeling that events are moving too fast and running away with themselves, and that it is difficult to make sense of the way events are unfolding. Chronophobia is often marked by a sense of derealization in which time seems to speed up or slow down, and some people may develop circular thought patterns, racing thoughts and symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. #inktober #feartober #inktoberphobias #shawncossart #jakeparker #creepyart #whatsyourfear #inkart #inktober2017 #popeofhell_art #chronophobia

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Filofóbia – fóbia z lásky

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Philophobia – day 29 of #inktober / #feartober . FearTober book launches Nov 1! Follow @amnclothing to know when the book and prints launch! Thought I'd go for a more metaphorical description of that falling in love feeling. The fear of love (or falling in love) phobia is known as Philophobia. The word originates from Greek “filos” which means ‘loving or beloved’. Individuals who suffer from this phobia fear romantic love or forming emotional attachments of any sort. As far as unusual phobias are concerned; Philophobia certainly ranks high in the list. Often this phobia is known to have cultural or religious roots, where the person may have been committed to an arranged marriage and hence fears falling in love. #shawncoss #inktober2017 #phobia #feartober #inktoberfear #philophobia #butterfliesinmytummy

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Epistemofóbia – fóbia z vedomostí

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Epistemophobia – day 30 of #inktober / #feartober . FearTober book launches Nov 1! Epistemophobia is the fear of knowledge. The origin of the word epistemo is Greek (meaning knowledge) and phobia is Greek (meaning fear). It is important for us to continue learning everyday because once we stop learning, our minds begin to stagnate, and we ourselves stop improving. But for an epistemophobe, too much knowledge is frightening. This fear might have been brought about by learning something, like for instance reading in a medical book about a particular disease and realizing its severity made someone wish that he or she did not read about it in the first place. One might also feel responsible that they should share their knowledge with other people and fear that what they pass on to others is erroneous thus they refuse to learn so that they don’t have to feel responsible for others. Knowledge is power, and some fear this power that they acquire when they are knowledgeable. People with this fear will do anything to stay away from books and will not read anything on the newspaper or magazine. One might also refuse to watch television for fear that they might learn something from it. Treatment ironically involves teaching the person not to fear learning or knowledge. They should be taught that learning new things is part of our everyday lives #inktober2017 #shawncoss #amnclothing #feartober

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Pozri aj: Tokofóbia: Trpí ňou až 14% žien na celom svete. Patríte k nim aj vy?

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