Foto: (adinugraha.19, magazineeofcelebrities)

Smutný prípad zbytočnej smrti dievčiny, ktorá mala celý život pred sebou, je len ďalším dôkazom chorej mašinérie módneho priemyslu.

Mnohé ženy túžia stať sa modelkou. Nejedia, cvičia, snažiac sa silou-mocou udržať si váhu v podpriemerných hodnotách. A samotný modeling je tiež poriadna fuška. Svetom otriasol prípad len 14-ročnej ruskej tínedžerky Vlady Dzyuby z Permu, ktorá po náročnej 12-hodinovej módnej prehliadke skolabovala. Neskutočná záťaž nie je vhodná ani pre dospelého človeka, nie to pre dievča vo vývine.

Nekonečná módna prehliadka sa konala v Šanghaji. Pre nejednu ruskú modelku je pracovná cesta do Číny splneným snom, a to bez ohľadu na to, že počas tejto stáže nemajú uzatvorené žiadne zdravotné poistenie. Pre mladučkú Vladu to malo fatálne dôsledky. Podľa Siberian Times sa Vlada necítila dobre, trpela meningitídou, no bála sa vyhľadať lekársku pomoc, pretože by ju nemala z čoho zaplatiť. Krátko predtým, než opäť vystúpila na mólo, upadla do kómy. Lekári dva dni bojovali o jej život, avšak dievčinu sa im už nepodarilo zachrániť.

Pracovala až do úplného vyčerpania

Horror as Russian model, 14, works herself to DEATH during three-month assignment in China.(A 14-year-old model who collapsed and died moments before she was due on the catwalk was suffering from "utter exhaustion", doctors have said. Vlada Dzyuba, from Russia, was on a three-month assignment in China after being recruited by an agency. According to reports she was on a "slave labour" contract without medical insurance. Her mother said Vlada had told her she was constantly tired but was too afraid to go to hospital. She had been taking part in a gruelling 13-hour Asian fashion show in Shanghai when she collapsed and fell into a coma. She never regained consciousness, dying two days later, say reports. A preliminary post-mortem exam concluded the cause of death was meningitis made worse by "utter exhaustion") #rip #death #russian #model #vladadzyuba #china #catwak #fashion #photo #photograoher #health #wellness #beauty

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Rest in peace #vladadzyuba

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Pár hodín pred smrťou Vlada telefonovala svojej mame Oxane, pričom sa sťažovala na vyčerpanosť. „Som úplne hotová. Stále by som spala.“ Práve táto pochopiteľná únava v kombinácii s meningitídou spôsobila predčasnú smrť modelky. Tento prípad však odhalil nekalé praktiky, ktoré sa ukrývajú v pozadí mašinérie módneho priemyslu. Ruské modelky mali pracovať len tri dni v týždni, miesto toho každý deň na módnom móle strávili v priemere 10 hodín. Práve tento nešťastný prípad upozornil na akútne problémy, ktoré sa musia riešiť. Smrť mladej ženy je zbytočná, avšak práve medializácia tohto prípadu môže zabrániť ďalším nezmyselným úmrtiam.

#Repost @rumorbus (@get_repost) #VladaDzyuba ・・・ A 14-year-old model who collapsed and died moments before she was due on the catwalk was suffering from "utter exhaustion", doctors have said. Vlada Dzyuba, from Russia, was on a three-month assignment in China after being recruited by an agency. According to reports she was on a "slave labour" contract without medical insurance. She had been taking part in a gruelling 13-hour Asian fashion show in Shanghai when she collapsed and fell into a coma.She never regained consciousness, dying two days later, say reports. A preliminary post-mortem exam concluded the cause of death was meningitis made worse by "utter exhaustion". Moscow is to demand explanations over the conditions in which the Vlada was kept in Shanghai after she was recruited on a contract which involved her missing school in her home city Perm, in the Urals. She had been prominent at this month's prestigious Shanghai Fashion Week.The girl's temperature soared as she was about the go on the catwalk, it has emerged. "Minutes later she collapsed and was unconscious," reported The Siberian Times. "An ambulance was called but she died on Friday after two days in a coma. "The preliminary cause of death is meningitis compounded by severe exhaustion." Her distraught mother Oksana wept: "She was calling me, saying 'Mama, I am so tired. I so much want to sleep'. "It must have been the very beginning of the illness… "And then her temperature shot up. "I didn't sleep myself and was calling her constantly, begging her to go to hospital." The mother – who also has a young baby – sought a visa to be with her daughter but could not get it before her child died. The head of the Perm modelling agency behind her trip, Elvira Zaitseva, said: "No-one expected it to lead to such consequences. "We are now reaping what we have sown." #rumorbus #china #youngmodel #shanghai #exhaustion #VladaDzyuba The Siberian Times

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#Repost @rumorbus (@get_repost) #VladaDzyuba ・・・ A 14-year-old model who collapsed and died moments before she was due on the catwalk was suffering from "utter exhaustion", doctors have said. Vlada Dzyuba, from Russia, was on a three-month assignment in China after being recruited by an agency. According to reports she was on a "slave labour" contract without medical insurance. She had been taking part in a gruelling 13-hour Asian fashion show in Shanghai when she collapsed and fell into a coma.She never regained consciousness, dying two days later, say reports. A preliminary post-mortem exam concluded the cause of death was meningitis made worse by "utter exhaustion". Moscow is to demand explanations over the conditions in which the Vlada was kept in Shanghai after she was recruited on a contract which involved her missing school in her home city Perm, in the Urals. She had been prominent at this month's prestigious Shanghai Fashion Week.The girl's temperature soared as she was about the go on the catwalk, it has emerged. "Minutes later she collapsed and was unconscious," reported The Siberian Times. "An ambulance was called but she died on Friday after two days in a coma. "The preliminary cause of death is meningitis compounded by severe exhaustion." Her distraught mother Oksana wept: "She was calling me, saying 'Mama, I am so tired. I so much want to sleep'. "It must have been the very beginning of the illness… "And then her temperature shot up. "I didn't sleep myself and was calling her constantly, begging her to go to hospital." The mother – who also has a young baby – sought a visa to be with her daughter but could not get it before her child died. The head of the Perm modelling agency behind her trip, Elvira Zaitseva, said: "No-one expected it to lead to such consequences. "We are now reaping what we have sown." #rumorbus #china #youngmodel #shanghai #exhaustion #VladaDzyuba The Siberian Times

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Dospievajúca žena má právo na normálny život. A ten, na módnom móle, má od normálnosti skutočne poriadne ďaleko.

Pozri aj: Modelka, ktorá prijímala denne len 500 kalórií, zverejnila fotografie, ktoré ukazujú jej transformáciu,
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