Foto: (hbrownofficial)

Fotograf sa rozhodol pomocou fotografií ukázať, aké je to vykonávať najhoršie a najnebezpečnejšie povolania sveta. Výsledok určite stojí za zamyslenie.

Fotografiami môžeme zachytiť príjemné chvíle, ktoré chceme, aby utkveli v našej pamäti, čo najdlhšie. Avšak toto médium má aj svoju väčšiu moc a keď sa správne uchopí a použije, dokáže vyčarovať aj mnoho silných emócií. Tieto fotografie sú toho dôkazom. 

Dokumentárny fotograf Hugh Brown sa rozhodol svojim objektívom zachytiť ľudí pracujúcich v najnebezpečnejších podmienkach sveta. Týmto svojím experimentom strávil osem rokov na cestách a výsledok vás určite chytí za srdce.

The Cruellest Work Project zachytáva ľudí pracujúcich v neuveriteľných blízkostiach sopiek, ilegálnych baniach nachádzajúcich sa hlboko pod zemou, ale aj na najvyšších pohoriach na svete. Podarilo sa mu tak zachytiť nebezpečné podmienky, v ktorých je odkázaných vyše 30- miliónov ľudí neustále pracovať. A to aj za menej ako dolár na deň.

Ľudia na niektorých častiach našej planéty sú žiaľ aj v dnešnej dobe nútení pracovať v týchto tvrdých pracovných podmienkach. Riskujú svoj život pri zbere uhlia, striebra, drahokamov alebo medi. Dokonca ani pojmy ako obchodovanie s ľuďmi alebo organizovaný zločin im nie sú cudzie.

„Príbeh týchto najchudobnejších ľudí, vykonávajúcich najťažšie práce na svete musí byť vypovedaný,“ rozhodol sa Brown. Výsledné fotky síce ohurujú svojou vizuálnou a technickou stránkou, no myšlienka, ktorú zobrazujú ich ešte prevyšuje. Presvedčte sa sami.

Baníci síce vykonávajú náročnú a život ohrozujúcu prácu, no napriek tomu si zarobia len pár centov.

Loading the sulphur baskets, Ijen Volcano, Indonesia, 2012. Miners carried an average of 70 kilos up and out of the volcanic crater along a one kilometre treacherous and winding path. They then carried that load a further three kilometres down the side of the volcano to a weigh station. Miners were paid an average of 6.5 cents per kilo carried. . . . . . . . . . . . . . #agameoftones #ig_masterpiece #ig_exquisite #ig_shotz #global_hotshotz #superhubs #main_vision #master_shots #exclusive_shots #hubs_united #jaw_dropping_shotz #worldshotz #theworldshotz #pixel_ig #photographyislifee #photographyislife #photographysouls #photographyeveryday #photographylover #worldbestgram #iglobal_photographers #ig_great_pics #ig_myshot #shotwithlove #justgoshoot #xposuremag #icatching #collectivelycreate #wanderlust #heatercentral

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Tento muž kričí, pretože mu kyselina sírová vošla do očí a pľúc.

Baník si musí v ústach držať šál, aby sa ubránil príjmu oxidu siričitého a sírovodíka pri ťažbe síry.

A miner emerges from a toxic cloud of sulphur dioxide and hydrogen sulphide hauling a load of sulphur out of the bowels of the Ijen volcano. Many that looked into the bowels of the Ijen volcano – tourists mainly – thought that they were staring into the bowels of a living hell. However, for the men of the Ijen volcano, their work was a source of great pride. It made them famous. All around the world. Indonesia, 2012. . . . . . . . . . . . #agameoftones #ig_masterpiece #ig_exquisite #ig_shotz #global_hotshotz #superhubs #main_vision #master_shots #exclusive_shots #hubs_united #jaw_dropping_shotz #worldshotz #theworldshotz #pixel_ig #photographyislifee #photographyislife #photographysouls #photographyeveryday #photographylover #worldbestgram #iglobal_photographers #ig_great_pics #ig_myshot #shotwithlove #justgoshoot #xposuremag #icatching #collectivelycreate #wanderlust #heatercentral

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Miners retrieve sulphur from the outflow area of the Ijen volcano on the Indonesian island of Java. The miners have tapped an active volcanic vent which follows down into a magma chamber some 20 kilometres below the crater lake. When the gas emerges from this vent it does so at temperatures of more than 600 degrees celcius. 2012. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #agameoftones #ig_masterpiece #ig_exquisite #ig_shotz #global_hotshotz #superhubs #main_vision #master_shots #exclusive_shots #hubs_united #jaw_dropping_shotz #worldshotz #theworldshotz #pixel_ig #photographyislifee #photographyislife #photographysouls #photographyeveryday #photographylover #worldbestgram #iglobal_photographers #ig_great_pics #ig_myshot #shotwithlove #justgoshoot #xposuremag #icatching #collectivelycreate #wanderlust #heatercentral

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Sulphur miner. Ijen Volcano. Indonesia. When sulphur burns it burns blue. One feels dwarfed by the power of nature when standing inside an active volcano at night. Despite the brutality of their conditions many of the miners carried their work as a badge of honour. One that showed their toughness to the world. People not to be pitied. People to be respected. For every one of them chose to work in the volcano. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #agameoftones #ig_masterpiece #ig_exquisite #ig_shotz #global_hotshotz #superhubs #main_vision #master_shots #exclusive_shots #hubs_united #jaw_dropping_shotz #worldshotz #theworldshotz #pixel_ig #photographyislifee #photographyislife #photographysouls #photographyeveryday #photographylover #worldbestgram #iglobal_photographers #ig_great_pics #ig_myshot #shotwithlove #justgoshoot #xposuremag #icatching #collectivelycreate #wanderlust #heatercentral

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Ďalšie zábery zobrazujú ťažbu drahokamov. Tá oficiálne trvá len tri mesiace. Po zvyšok roka je totiž nebezpečná, kvôli riziku lavín. A navyše tu chýba jedna zo základných zložiek potrebných pre život – voda.

Koniec dňa je jedna z najpríjemnejších chvíľ, aké títo ľudia zažívajú.

The end of the day in all mining areas is always the most enjoyable part. Miners are relaxed and kicking back after a long day of work. Behind the ridge seen in the background is one of the highest mountains in the world, standing at almost 8000 metres. Karakorum Range, Northern Pakistan, 2015. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #agameoftones #ig_masterpiece #ig_exquisite #ig_shotz #global_hotshotz #superhubs #main_vision #master_shots #exclusive_shots #hubs_united #jaw_dropping_shotz #worldshotz #theworldshotz #pixel_ig #photographyislifee #photographyislife #photographysouls #photographyeveryday #photographylover #worldbestgram #iglobal_photographers #ig_great_pics #ig_myshot #shotwithlove #justgoshoot #xposuremag #icatching #collectivelycreate #wanderlust #heatercentral

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Nelegálny zber drahokamov v Pakistane sa koná na najvyššie položených miestach.

Gem miner, Karakorum Range, Northern Pakistan, 2015. My mate Muhammed preferred to work high above the other miners, concerned about the safety of the mines below. He also liked exploring greenfield areas. Here he can be seen climbing to his mine well above 15000 feet with a spectacular 7000 meter plus mountain seen behind him. He insisted I climb up to his mine despite the obvious topographical challenges. . . . . . . . . . . . . #agameoftones #ig_masterpiece #ig_exquisite #ig_shotz #global_hotshotz #superhubs #main_vision #master_shots #exclusive_shots #hubs_united #jaw_dropping_shotz #worldshotz #theworldshotz #pixel_ig #photographyislifee #photographyislife #photographysouls #photographyeveryday #photographylover #worldbestgram #iglobal_photographers #ig_great_pics #ig_myshot #shotwithlove #justgoshoot #xposuremag #icatching #collectivelycreate #wanderlust #heatercentral

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A miner blows the whistle to warn other mines of an impending blast and the need to take shelter in the Karakorum Range in Northern Pakistan in 2015. Behind him is one of the world's highest mountains standing at over 7200 metres. I was nearly killed by a piece of flying rock during this trip when a blast warning wasn't conveyed and a piece of rock went sailing past my nose not more than one metre away at 200 kph! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #agameoftones #ig_masterpiece #ig_exquisite #ig_shotz #global_hotshotz #superhubs #main_vision #master_shots #exclusive_shots #hubs_united #jaw_dropping_shotz #worldshotz #theworldshotz #pixel_ig #photographyislifee #photographyislife #photographysouls #photographyeveryday #photographylover #worldbestgram #iglobal_photographers #ig_great_pics #ig_myshot #shotwithlove #justgoshoot #xposuremag #icatching #collectivelycreate #wanderlust #heatercentral

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Alebo ťažba uhlia v Indii zobrazuje náš svet plný extrémov.

Normally on shoots one needs to build rapport before they start shooting. On this occasion things were a bit different. The mainly women scavengers were nervous about my presence because they were concerned that management from the large-scale mine they were scavenging from would shut them down if I stayed too long. These women were literally collecting huge and heavy chunks of coal from just below a digger bucket. Albeit that they were only scavenging in between the morning change of shifts at around 0700. Tough way to make a living: women working crowbars. . . . . . . . . . #agameoftones #ig_masterpiece #ig_exquisite #ig_shotz #global_hotshotz #superhubs #main_vision #master_shots #exclusive_shots #hubs_united #jaw_dropping_shotz #worldshotz #theworldshotz #pixel_ig #photographyislifee #photographyislife #photographysouls #photographyeveryday #photographylover #worldbestgram #iglobal_photographers #ig_great_pics #ig_myshot #shotwithlove #justgoshoot #xposuremag #icatching #collectivelycreate #wanderlust #humanity_shots_

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Ženy musia zbierať obrovské a ťažké kusy uhlia.

Not much more I can say here. Against the backdrop of our developed world where air-conditioning is considered to be a human right…. Where safety standards mandate that people should not lift more than a 10 kilogram load when accepting aircraft luggage. This woman’s world is one crazy extreme. Our developed world is the other end of the crazy extreme. They just are. . . . . . . . . . . #agameoftones #ig_masterpiece #ig_exquisite #ig_shotz #global_hotshotz #superhubs #main_vision #master_shots #exclusive_shots #hubs_united #jaw_dropping_shotz #worldshotz #theworldshotz #pixel_ig #photographyislifee #photographyislife #photographysouls #photographyeveryday #photographylover #worldbestgram #iglobal_photographers #ig_great_pics #ig_myshot #shotwithlove #justgoshoot #xposuremag #icatching #collectivelycreate #wanderlust #heatercentral

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Ani muži na tom nie sú najlepšie. Mnoho z nich bolo nútených ísť pracovať do týchto neľudských podmienok proti svojej vôli.

Underground illegal coal mine, Eastern India, 2013.  This image was taken during my 2013 visit to India.  This area was the subject of an active insurgency and so care had to be taken in terms of where i stayed and my readiness to evacuate if it looked like the baddies might show up.  The work in these underground mines is tough.  And illegal.  But in many cases the land that used to provide them with their sustenance has been swallowed up by giant large-scale coal mines.  They've lost the land that gave them crops and the forests that gave them food from hunting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #agameoftones #ig_masterpiece #ig_exquisite #ig_shotz #global_hotshotz #superhubs #main_vision #master_shots #exclusive_shots #hubs_united #jaw_dropping_shotz #worldshotz #theworldshotz #pixel_ig #photographyislifee #photographyislife #photographysouls #photographyeveryday #photographylover #worldbestgram #iglobal_photographers #ig_great_pics #ig_myshot #shotwithlove #justgoshoot #xposuremag #icatching #collectivelycreate #wanderlust #heatercentral

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Takto zase vyzerá ťažba striebra v Bolívii v pohorí Cerro Rico. Smrť tu striehne na každom kroku.

Vychádzanie z bane je veľmi nebezpečné. Veľmi ľahko môže počas neho dôjsť k smrti.

An illegal coal scavenger descends a precipitous cliffline having gathered a 30 or 40 kilogram load of coal. Each morning at the change of shift in a large scale coal mine these mainly women spend an hour gathering coal from the face of that working coal mine. The practice is illegal. But these indigenous Adivasis people have lost the lands that used to provide their living to the coal mines that they now depend upon. . . . . . . . . . . . #agameoftones #ig_masterpiece #ig_exquisite #ig_shotz #global_hotshotz #superhubs #main_vision #master_shots #exclusive_shots #hubs_united #jaw_dropping_shotz #worldshotz #theworldshotz #pixel_ig #photographyislifee #photographyislife #photographysouls #photographyeveryday #photographylover #worldbestgram #iglobal_photographers #ig_great_pics #ig_myshot #shotwithlove #justgoshoot #xposuremag #icatching #collectivelycreate #wanderlust #igrespect

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Ťažba zlata v Guinei či v Burkini Faso. Toto miesto je domovom otroctva, extrémizmu a organizovaného zločinu

Underground miner, Burkina Faso, 2010. Sometimes interactions with the miners can be priceless. This was one such occasion. I spent some time taking this man's portrait and then, with the benefit of digital cameras, was able to show him the photo that I had taken. He got most excited and then so did the people around him. This man's physique is typical of most hand miners around the world. Not an ounce of fat. Tough. And so so removed from the obese societies in which we live. But pull them out of their society and place them in ours and they would be chomping on junk food as well. . . . . . . . . #agameoftones #ig_masterpiece #ig_exquisite #ig_shotz #global_hotshotz #superhubs #main_vision #master_shots #exclusive_shots #hubs_united #jaw_dropping_shotz #worldshotz #theworldshotz #pixel_ig #photographyislifee #photographyislife #photographysouls #photographyeveryday #photographylover #worldbestgram #iglobal_photographers #ig_great_pics #ig_myshot #shotwithlove #justgoshoot #xposuremag #icatching #collectivelycreate #world_photography_page #ig_respect

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Pieskoví potápači v Kamerune získajú približne 1,7 tony piesku za trojhodinovú zmenu. „Práca je brutálna a nebezpečná, keďže sa potápajú počas prílivu.“ Okrem utopenia im hrozí napríklad aj pohryznutie jedovatými hadmi

In the back half of 2017 I travelled to Cameroon to photograph men diving for sand. This sand is used in the building and construction industry. Men dive up to seven metres to recover buckets of sand in fast flowing tropical rivers and tidal estuaries. The work is dangerous. Men perish periodically through a combination of drowning and the benzs and even venomous snake bites: the snakes travelling down the river on weed mats. Some men surface so rapidly that they knock themselves unconscious on the hulls of their boats. This becomes exceptionally dangerous at night because those that get knocked unconscious will generally drift away on the tide or in the flow of the river and drown without anyone noticing until it’s too late. I spent two weeks photographing one team. These men were the strongest guys on the river. Each man would load an average of 1.7 tonnes of sand in a three hour diving shift. Incredible. Thanks to the UNDP for their support with this project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #agameoftones #ig_masterpiece #ig_exquisite #ig_shotz #global_hotshotz #superhubs #main_vision #master_shots #exclusive_shots #hubs_united #jaw_dropping_shotz #worldshotz #theworldshotz #pixel_ig #photographyislifee #photographyislife #photographysouls #photographyeveryday #photographylover #worldbestgram #iglobal_photographers #ig_great_pics #ig_myshot #shotwithlove #justgoshoot #xposuremag #icatching #collectivelycreate #wanderlust #heatercentral

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I met this miner, Nicholoes, during a shoot of artisanal sand mining in Cameroon late in 2017.  These men dive daily for sand in a river estuary in western Cameroon.  Each miner in the course of a three-hour shift will recover around 1.7 tonnes of sand using a small steel bucket holding around 15 kilos of sand.  The sand is used in the local building and construction industry.  The work can also be very dangerous, particularly at night, when rapid surfacing and misjudging of the boat location can cause miners to knock themselves out and then be taken away on the tide.  And being in the dark this may not be discovered for some time after meaning that many miners have drowned.  Thanks to the UN Development Programme for their support in obtaining these images. . . . . . . . . . . . . #agameoftones #ig_masterpiece #ig_exquisite #ig_shotz #global_hotshotz #superhubs #main_vision #master_shots #exclusive_shots #hubs_united #jaw_dropping_shotz #worldshotz #theworldshotz #pixel_ig #photographyislifee #photographyislife #photographysouls #photographyeveryday #photographylover #worldbestgram #iglobal_photographers #ig_great_pics #ig_myshot #shotwithlove #justgoshoot #xposuremag #icatching #collectivelycreate #wanderlust #heatercentral

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Autor ku svojím fotografiám na Instagrame navyše píše viac o okolnostiach ich vzniku a týchto obdivuhodných ľuďoch, ktorí žiaľ musia takto riskovať svoje životy. Určite stoja za prečítanie.

Pozri aj: Prekrývajú umelecké diela, historické pamiatky i prírodu. Tieto fotografie dokazujú, že Slovensko je krajinou reklamného smogu
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