
Je pre nás Instagram skutočne tak dôležitý?

Instagram je trend, ktorý oslovil ľudí všetkých vekových kategórií. Inak to nie je ani s austrálskou blogerkou, Jess O’Brienovou, ktorá naň pridáva svoje fotografie. Avšak, tie nie sú úplne obyčajné. Je na nich nahá a sú vyfotografované na rôznych exotických miestach.

28-ročná Jess bola veľmi prekvapená, keď sa jedného dňa snažila na svoj Instagram prihlásiť, avšak nedarilo sa jej to. Neskôr zistila, že jej profil bol neočakávane a bez akéhokoľvek varovania deaktivovaný. „Nikto z podpory Instagramu mi na moje sťažnosti neodpísal. A to aj po nespočetných pokusoch, pri ktorých som sa snažila kontaktovať ich,“ hovorí Jess.

I just want to thank everyone for your kind words and support on my launching of the website for The Nude Blogger 🙏🏽 The response has been overwhelming and I am so overcome with gratitude 💖 You are all so magical and I am beyond appreciative for your patience, feedback and genuine interest. I am so excited to start this new chapter and embark on this journey with you all 😊 Thank you again, and if you haven't checked out my website yet, click the link in my bio 👆🏼#linkinbio Have an amazing night lovelies… first post coming up soon 😉 stay tuned 😘 . . #gratitude #website #launch #live #blog #blogger #bloglife #journey #happy #humpday #excited #love #wanderlust #adventure #naked #freedom #wednesday #wildchild #wild

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Príbeh Jess si získal ohlasy po celom svete. „Po tom, ako sa mi nedarilo dostať sa na Instagram a bol mi úplne deaktivovaný, cítila som sa veľmi uvoľnene a pozitívne. Som rada, že sa mi ho podarilo získal naspäť, pretože už teraz viem, že by som vedela fungovať aj bez Instagramu.“

Some of you have asked what a 'naturist' is… Whilst I'm not one to get too caught up in labels (excuse the pun), there seems to be a debate about what the definitive definition of 'naturism' is. According to the 'International Naturist Federation', " Naturism is a way of life in harmony with nature characterised by the practice of communal nudity with the intention of encouraging self-respect, respect for others and for the environment". I don't agree that one definition suits all, but it is a concept to grasp. A concept that may allow a deeper understanding of certain lifestyle choices. For me, being naked goes deep, really deep. There is so much more to us than just this body. To know me, you must be able to see beyond my physicality. My body is just a blip in space and time through which consciousness is experiencing itself. So you could never truly judge me according to my body. My soul can tell you things my body never could. For those moments I am naked, I am free from the disguises of my clothing, from the masquerade of branding, free from the impermanence of materialism and at one with the infinite divinity of being. I am here to pledge my commitment to promoting body positivity. Freedom. Equality. My nudity is not here to promote sexualisation of the human body, nor is it here to entertain your judgement. However you choose to perceive my nudity is a reflection of your own conditioning. But remember, perspective is not fixed. It is not permanent. Perspective is a matter of perspective is a matter of perspective is a matter of perspective. . . #naturism #naturist #meaning #nudity #nude #naked #lifestyle #bodypositivity #body #freedom #acceptance #nonsexual #natural #perspective #humpday #wanderlust

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First blog post up now!! #linkinbio 'What does being nude mean to me?' 💖 Ok, so this is a question I get asked constantly, and whilst there is so much depth and so many layers to nudity for me, this post touches on some of the key points ✨ I could write about this topic for eons, and I will continue to elaborate on my perspective and the various themes that nudity affects and is affected by (media, sex, body image, self-esteem, self-love etc etc etc). I am so damn passionate about this topic! Click the link in my bio to read the full post 😉 I hope you enjoy the read 😘 Xx . . #blog #post #nudity #nude #nudism #nudist #nature #beach #ocean #sky #natural #naturist #naturism #body #positivity #image #naked #lifestyle #taboo #writer #blogger #summer #wanderlust #yoga #yogi #vegan #divine #nofilter

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Autumn 🍂 She sheds her leaves with an effortless ease, Longing to be seen…She lets go. Release. As she delves into her depths, her layers fall away from her by the wayside. She realises that it's not her layers that make her complete. Wholeness. Revealing her roots, There is an alluring beauty to her rawness, Vulnerability. A naked beauty, a palette of earthiness, Without all the decorations, without the layers, without her flowers… Authenticity. She is divine because, whilst she is whole, she is making way for new growth, creating space to blossom into a more radiant version of herself. Expansion. A time of introspection and inner-growth, self-love… It is this very place from which so much beauty is born. And she will Spring again, radiating her magnificence, Bathing in her light, to shine even more in her Divinity. Autumn 🍂 . . #autumn #embrace #welcome #season #change #release #newbeginnings #shed #layers #wholeness #vulnerability #authenticity #expansion #radiance #divinity

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Pozri aj: Táto nezvyčajná modelka rúca všetky stereotypy o Aziatkách. Jej krása už mnohým vyrazila dych
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