foto: Alexander Mandradjiev

Svet je temné miesto, plné temných ľudí a hrozných nástrah.

Veľmi často sa s takýmito situáciami stretávame aj my sami. Tvorca filmov a videohier, Alexander Mandradjiev, sa takýmito situáciami rád nechá inšpirovať a potom z nich vzniknú takého umelecké diela. Snaží sa skomponovať rôzne detaily a informácie, ktoré k sebe nie vždy pasujú. Ďalšou zaujímavosťou na jeho ilustráciách je aj to, že niektoré z nich v sebe skrývajú desivé objekty. Jeho práce sú skutočným obrazom so sci-fi tematikou, ktorá existuje len vo fantázii Alexandra. Pozrite sa na ne spolu s nami!

"Now It's Irreversible" #keyframe #illustration #cinematic #composition #mood #color #light

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

Green Lips #cinematic #composition #keyframeillustration #mood #digitalpainting #color #lighting #green #dreamlogic #alexandermandradjiev

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

"Soft Violence" #cinematic #composition #keyframe #illustration #painting #mood #color #lighting #edges #graphicshapes #love

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

Lives by The Lake #cinematic #composition #keyframeillustration #mood #horror #painting #lighting #color #subtlety #dreamlike

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

Separate #cinematic #keyframeillustration #composition #mood #color #lighting #graphicshapes #bleak #painting

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

"Happy Hour" Raw Meat #keyframe #illustration #cinematic #composition #painting #color #light #mood #intense

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

"At Dusk" #cinematic #composition #keyframeillustration #storytelling #mood #color #lighting #digitalpainting #violent

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

"Fame" #cinematic #composition #keyframe #illustration #painting #color #light #mixerbrush #graphicread #bleak

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

"The Wall" – You need a heart to enter. #keyframe #illustration #painting #art

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

Window #everyday #composition #color #graphicshapes #lighting #mood #painting #cinematic #keyframeillustration

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

"Contrast" #dreamlogic #cinematic #composition #contrast #mood #color #light #painting

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

"Contrast" #scifi #contrast #cinematic #composition #mood #color #lighting #painting

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

"Cold Fire" #cinematic #composition #illustration #keyframe #mood #lighting #painting #bleak #dark #lonely #depressing

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

Return #Keyframe #illustration #painting #mood

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

"The Red Canal" #horror #cinematic #composition #mood #color #light #painting #illustration

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

The Red Canal #cinematic #composition #mood #color #lighting #painting #horror #illustration

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

Gouged Eyes #keyframeillustration #mood #color #cinematic #composition #painting

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

Gone #cinematic #composition #keyframeillustration #painting #art #mood #juxtaposition

A post shared by Alexander Mandradjiev (@alexander_mandradjiev) on

Aký máte názor na takýto druh umenia? V očiach každého z nás je umenie niečo iné, avšak aj to, čo neberieme ako niečo krásne či zaujímavé, by sme mali rešpektovať.

Pozri aj: Raz sa nám to môže vymknúť z rúk. Experti varujú, že z čoraz populárnejšieho sexuálneho robota sa môže stať potenciálny zabijak
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