Foto: Wikimedia
WA 25 archív Turín - Na archívnej snímke 10. februára 2006 severokórejskí olympionici poèas otváracej ceremónie v Turíne. Severná Kórea navrhla, e na budúcomesaèné zimné olympijské hry v Junej Kórei vyle 230-èlennú skupinu fanúikov, akýchsi "roztlieskavaèov". FOTO TASR /AP FILE - In this Feb. 10, 2006, file photo, Korea flag-bearer's Bora Lee and Jong-In Lee, carrying a unification flag lead their teams into the stadium during the 2006 Winter Olympics opening ceremony in Turin, Italy. North Korea plans to send a spotlight-stealing delegation to next monthâs Winter Olympics in the South Korean county of Pyeongchang. (AP Photo/Amy Sancetta, File)
Foto: Wikimedia